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Core Cove is Here!

Welcome to Core Cove, a place where functional language is all around us! Core vocabulary is a set of words that can be used in a variety of environments to communicate and respond quickly and effectively.  Core vocabulary includes words such as greetings “hi” and “bye”, requests “want” and “more”, and response “yes” and “no”.

Students will be repeatedly exposed to new words using a variety of activities throughout the day.  This program is designed to focus on one word at a time.  Each child will be provided with a way to communicate using a variety of strategies.  Some of these strategies include modeling the new word, providing time for the student to initiate and respond, and creating opportunities for the child to use the word.  Collaboration between parents, teacher, therapist, etc., is crucial for learning to use functional Core language.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have, while we build this cove together!

—– —The Harbor School Speech Therapy Department


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