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For the past few years, Harbor School has been invited to Mater Dei for a fun day every spring.  The students at Mater Dei prepare a whole day filled with fun activities for our students.  Included this year were cotton candy and snow cone machines, arts and crafts tables, tattoos and face painting, a DJ playing all the latest music, bowling and inflatable basketball.  The students also enjoyed pizza for lunch and cookies and cupcakes for dessert.  As like other years, the Harbor students received special t-shirts to commemorate the day.

We cannot thank Mater Dei enough for all of their hard work and dedication to our students on this day every year.  All of the Harbor School students look forward to this trip every year for the fun and making lifelong friends.

To learn more about this event, this is an article from last years fun day, explaining the tradition.

Below are some pictures from the day.  To see the rest of the pictures, please  visit our Facebook.

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