Morgan and Peter, two of our High School students, with the help from Miss Amanda, their speech therapist, interviewed their teacher, Miss Katie Rocci, our newest teacher!
Morgan: Where did you go to college?
Miss Rocci: I went to Miami University in Ohio
Peter: What do you like to do in your free time?
Miss Rocci: I like to hike, shop and hang out with friends
Morgan: What is your favorite TV show?
Miss Katie: Law and Order: SVU
Peter: Do you have any pets?
Miss Rocci: I don’t have any pets, but if I were to have a pet, it would be a cat.
Morgan: What do you like about working at Harbor School?
Miss Rocci: I love the family atmosphere and of course, my students!
Peter: Where is your favorite place to travel?
Miss Rocci: Adirondacks in Upstate New York!