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Graduate Spotlight featuring……Max and Family

For the last month of school, we will be spotlighting a graduate and their families.  Each graduate was given a questionnaire to fill out with their parents about their time at Harbor School.




Question to Parent & Graduate:  How long have you and your child been at Harbor School?

Answer: I have been at Harbor School for 3 years.


Question to Parent & Graduate:  Why did you choose Harbor School for your child?

Answer:  My mom chose Harbor School because I had problems with my old school.  I ended up in Monmouth Medical a few times and wasn’t allowed back at Keansburg High School.  I went through four years of home instruction when I was transferred to Harbor.


Question to Both:  Write some thoughts about our therapy department and how they have helped you/r child.

Answer:  Therapy has helped us and my child through hard times.  They taught my child how to be happy.


Question to Both:  Write some thoughts about your experiences with the administration, staff, teachers, etc.  Any personal stories would be appreciated.

Answer:  The staff were extremely nice to me, not to mention helpful.


“I wouldn’t have gotten through this year without the staff at Harbor School.”


Question to Both:  What have been some of your favorite things at Harbor School?

Answer:  My favorite things about Harbor School was gym, commendation lunch, art, Miss Jenn, Miss Patty, Miss Daniella and Miss Kim (teachers in my class).  Everyone in my class were so helpful throughout my years at Harbor.



Question to Graduate:  Where are you going after graduating Harbor School?

Answer:  I’m going to find a job and start applying to colleges.



Question to Parents: How has Harbor School, specifically the transition program, prepared your child for ‘Life after Harbor?’

Answer:  They taught my child how to deal with the outside by taking him out to work and teaching him how to do thing on his own.


Question for Both:  What will you miss most about Harbor School?

Answer:  I will miss gym, my teachers and principal.  Most of all I will miss all the activities that I had fun with and prom as well.



Question to Parent: Why should a parent with special needs children choose Harbor School?

Answer:  It’s a great school for special needs kids.



Extra stories, anecdotes, memories, etc.

My memories that I have of Harbor School will never fade.





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