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Farewell Letter from a Graduates Parent

We wanted to share with you a beautiful letter written by parents whose child has graduated this year.  Connor has been at Harbor School for 17 years and we have all watched him grow into the young man he is today.  We will miss him (like all our graduates!).


 June 2018

Dear Harbor School Teachers & Staff:

              As we approach Connor’s Graduation and the completion of his education my husband and I are overwhelmed not only by the occasion but what it represents.  When we brought Connor to your school all those years ago, we were terrified parents looking for the answer of what would be the best education for our sweet son.  Our goals at the beginning were fairly straightforward – to give Connor an education that will help him learn language, appropriate behavior and the ability to navigate the world when he is older.  In the beginning, we kept our goals simple so as to not put too much pressure on Connor or ourselves.  Had we known 17 years ago that Connor would become the kind, funny and happy young man he is today we could have put our worries into so many other things.  What a gift it has been to have Connor educated at your school and for that we say a very sincere “Thank you!” 

              Words clearly are not enough to express our gratitude to everyone at Harbor School who has watched over Connor and given him support, discipline, encouragement and most importantly kindness.  The Harbor School experience has been a complete complement of educational services from Speech and Occupational Therapy, Vocational Programs and Social Skills that have shown Connor the importance of hard work and all of the benefits that come from seeing things through even when he didn’t want to.   He has a sense of community and knows the comfort of his place in the world both at school and at home.  That sense of belonging is a gift not only for special needs students but also for every individual walking the planet.   I believe each parent wants this for his or her child and that our Connor, with all of his challenges, knows that feeling and this is a gift we can never repay. 

              It is really difficult to say goodbye to a school that we have called a “second home” for so many years but it’s time for a new chapter.  If we could take all of you with us, we would.  Unfortunately this new experience must be done without all of you and your amazing support.  Hughie and I do take comfort in knowing that Connor’s educational foundation has set him up for future successes whatever they may be. Please know that wherever Connor goes from here, he leaves Harbor School feeling strong, confident and self-assured in the knowledge that there are people in his corner encouraging his every endeavor.


                                                       With Much love and appreciation,

                                                       Hughie & Mary Ferguson




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