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The Admission Procedure


The Harbor School Admission Process

We want to make the admission process as stress free and productive as possible. Below are the primary steps involved to see if Harbor School can help your child reach his/her fullest potential.


Call is made by the Case Manager from the district or by the Parent of the child to the school inquiring about a tour.


Appointment is made for a visit and student records are submitted by the Case Manager for review.


Principal explains program to the Parent and or Case Manager. The Parent and child and or Case Manager are taken on a tour of the school.


Parent and or Case Manager are given time to observe in the classes in their child’s age range. If appropriate the child interacts with the class.


Wrap up discussion takes place after the tour. Brochures and other supportive information are given to the Parent and Case Manager.


A collaborative conversation occurs between the Parent and Case Manager to determine the appropriateness of placement and will inform the Principal of the decision. If placement is accepted then an IEP is received and a start date is determined.

We look forward to meeting you and touring our school program so you can experience our welcoming family atmosphere.

If you would like to move forward and consider admission to the Harbor School, please call today at 732.544.9394

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