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Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy and Nursing


Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy and Nursing Services and Support

The Occupational Therapy department at Harbor School is committed to supporting a student’s “occupation” within all aspects of their school/home environments. We utilize preventive promotion and intervention strategies for mental and physical health and well-being.

Left: Hand stretching, Center: field day with hitting the ball with a bat, Right: moving the marble therapy board

  • Life skills, pre-vocational, as well as academic readiness abilities are addressed
  • Sensory motor, perceptual motor and fine motor skills are the treatment focus
  • Classroom seating and positioning for educational success included
  • Development of modifications for independence in handwriting/self-care
  • Self regulation/coping skills development


Physical Therapy

The Physical Therapy Department at Harbor School is dedicated to addressing performance skills where a child’s disability impacts or compromises their ability to access, participate or make progress in their natural learning environment.

  • Functional mobility skills addressed as they relate to the educational environment
  • Training in gross motor coordination skills
  • Balance and strength training included with development of home programs
  • Orthopedic concerns are an area of focus
  • Home exercise programs as well as parent training


Speech Therapy

The speech department at Harbor School is dedicated to providing each student with a means to functionally and socially communicate with others throughout their school day.

We will strive to teach these skills in a caring, supportive yet challenging environment where each child will reach their full communication potential. We believe that each student has the right to participate fully in developing relationships with others through communicating their wants, thoughts, feelings and ideas through a total communication approach.

Methods utilized include the following:

  • Verbalization, gestures, sign language
  • Picture communication symbols/Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  • Voice output communication aids (VOCA)
  • Oral motor interventions
  • Speech generating
  • Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)


Nursing Services

Harbor School nursing staff consists of a certified school nurse and a registered nurse who provide a high level of skilled nursing services and techniques for students and staff.

Our nurses work together to create an environment of respect and rapport to assess the needs of the unique medical issues of our student population. Our nursing staff works closely with teachers, therapists and our students’ families to promote the health and well-being of the Harbor School community.

  • Skilled nursing care, physical assessments completed by Certified RN
  • Instruction in health promotion and disease prevention by certified school nurse
  • Health screenings provided annually
  • Administration of emergency care, medications and first aid procedures by physician
  • Maintain health & immunization records as well as complete annual health screenings
  • Provide staff training in medical procedures/precautions

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