Getting to Know Our Staff featuring…………..Mrs. Congo!
This edition of our “Getting to know our staff” series has been done by Emily, Shiv and Xaiver and their speech therapist, Miss Teri! Today they interviewed Mrs. Congo, one of our teachers.

Xaiver: Where did you go to college?
Mrs. Congo: I went to Sourthern Connecticut University.
Shiv: Do you like to travel?
Mrs. Congo: I love to travel! I love to go to Florida and Kentucky to see my family.

Emily: Why did you become a teacher?
Mrs. Congo: I volunteered at a nursery school with children that had a special needs class and I loved it.
Xaiver: Do you like sports?
Mrs. Congo: Not too much.
Shiv: Do you have any pets?
Mrs. Congo: I have a dog named Lexi. Lexi is a mix of Alaskan Husky and American Eskimo.
Emily: What do you like to do in your free time?
Mrs. Congo: Seeing my grandson and walking my dog.

Xaiver: Do you have any favorite TV shows?
Mrs. Congo: I like Cooking shows like MasterChef and Top Chef.
Shiv: Do you have any favorite foods?
Mrs. Congo: I love watermelon and chocolate.
Emily: How did you hurt your leg?
Mrs. Congo: I fell on the ramp in my house when my foot fell asleep. (Mrs. Congo missed the first half of school because she hurt her leg, but we are so happy to have her back now.)
**** Check out Mrs. Congo’s classroom page here.