Harbor Benefits of Preschool for Special Needs Population

The Benefits of Special Needs Preschool
Providing opportunities for special needs students to attend preschool programs has demonstrated positive results for children, their families, and society. An analysis of data [GV1] by the Early Childhood Outcomes Center found over 75 percent of children who participate in special education preschool programs and services show “greater than expected growth in knowledge and skills, social relationships and taking action to meet needs.” According to a 2016 report by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, nearly every state reported a substantially increased rate of growth in positive social-emotional skills among children enrolled in special education preschool and services.
Harbor School’s preschool program
Our preschool program is designed to nurture a set of focused skills for each student from early literacy, daily living, social and emotional development, dressing, feeding, and toileting.
The preschool program at Harbor School includes:
- Multiple Disabled Classroom serving 3-5-year-olds with multiple disabilities, autism, and severe sensory needs
- Focus on communication, social interaction, orientation, mobility, and physical development needs
- Individualized learning experience geared specifically to each student’s needs and aligned with the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards
- Multi-sensory instruction, minimal visual clutter, sensory stations, and adaptive technology
- Low lighting and distraction-free areas
- Certified Teacher to work with students with sensory impairments
- Intensive Speech/Language Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy
- Behavioral support
Intervening at the earliest age possible can improve outcomes for children with special needs as they enter into kindergarten and progress in their education. The benefits of preschool education continue throughout the child’s education and truly have the power to transform children’s lives.
A message from Harbor School
We want our Harbor School families to know that we are here for you and want to support you during these challenging days. We cannot begin to imagine how difficult this situation must be for your child and your family. We will continue to post monthly school articles which we hope will provide useful information to assist you as you navigate this new reality and its impact on your daily life.
Please know that we are here if you need us. Take care!
From all of us at the Harbor School
Erik Glazner,
Principal-Harbor School, Eatontown, NJ