About Harbor School
We are more than a school,
we are a community and a guiding light.

The Harbor School opened its doors for the first time in September of 1968. The school was opened to provide services for students with special needs in Monmouth, Middlesex, Ocean, and Mercer counties. We serve children who range in age from five to twenty-one.
The students have various classifications which include but are not limited to: Auditorally Impaired, Autistic, Communication Impaired, Cognitively Impaired, Multiply Disabled, Other Health Impaired, Specific Learning Disability, and Traumatic Brain Injury.
The school seeks to empower each student with skills for life, work and recreation, believing that every individual possesses the dignity and potential to contribute to a better world.
Amy Brandon – Principal, Harbor School
The school is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education, providing an enhanced alternative program to the public school districts for students with disabilities. The programs are to meet the academic, functional, social, behavioral and transition needs of the most challenging students. Our school environment is warm, nurturing, and supportive. Our related services include speech, occupational and physical therapy. As of 2010, onsite consultations are available for orthopedic, assistive technology, augmentative communication and feeding issues in partnership with Children’s Specialized Hospital. A school social worker is also available to provide individual or group counseling sessions, as well as conduct parent support groups.
The mission of Harbor School is to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment dedicated to the vision that individuals with disabling conditions are entitled to a full and meaningful life. The school seeks to empower each student with skills for life, work and recreation, believing that every individual possesses the dignity and potential to contribute to a better world. Harbor School was featured in the Asbury Park Press in May 2007 in the A Day in the Life section. This was the first time that a school serving children with special needs was highlighted in this feature section of this daily newspaper. The school has also received recognition from the American Heart Association for its participation in the Jump for Heart program for the past twelve years.

Left: Dunk tank for our carnival thanks to the local Police Department, Center: Face paint at our Harbor Carnival, Right: Pool fun in the summer.