gvelazquez@gvcerv.com, Author at Harbor School - Page 6 of 7

All Posts by gvelazquez@gvcerv.com

Special Needs Transition Timeline Series (14-Year-Old)

The transition from special needs student to functioning adults begins with indicating goals and challenges within the already existing student’s respective IEP (Individualized Education Program), begins at the age of 14. As required by a state’s specific special education rules and regulations, the IEP is usually reviewed on a yearly basis allowing the transition plan […]

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Special Needs Transition Series (Age 16-17)

By ages 16 to 17, transition will include out of school job readiness in the community. We will take an interest inventory of the students at the beginning of the year and another at the end of the year. They will begin to develop a resume. Job skills training will begin.Travel safety training becomes important […]

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Harbor Student Responds to Positive Behavior Support

When Tyler began at Harbor, things did not always run smoothly for him. His behavior served a function that often needed much attention. He was a physically aggressive student and the talking point of many behavioral meetings. The staff’s highest hope was that his day would go smoothly. Now, he runs errands, visits classrooms and participates […]

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Getting Social and Special Needs Education

Our network of special education schools prepares students for workplace success by introducing soft skills at an early age. Often referred to as “skills to pay the bills”, soft skills are everyday interpersonal skills that job seekers need to succeed on the job. These include enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, […]

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Beach Volleyball with Harbor School and Colts Neck High School – An Amazing Social Event

Dancing Breaks Out at Beach Ball Volleyball Game Between Harbor School and Colts Neck High School Students All three RKS Associates state-approved special education schools, including Harbor School in Eatontown, provide education, therapeutic and behavioral support for children with multiple disabilities, cognitive impairments, autistic spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, behavioral disorders and other […]

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